Demo Build 8
Players will drop a bounty coin after taken down. The bounty coin has player's loots.
Server host can stop dropping a coin with no loots, despawn after certain time, or just don't drop it at all.
Added 'Weapon of the Round' system.
If player takes down other player with the weapon of the round, the player gets bonus reward.
Weapon of the Round will change every time player spawns.
Added GUI sound.
Added original preset to each weapons.
Added killfeed.
Added Field of View slider.
Takedown rewards are now added to loots. If player gets taken down by other players, the reward will be lost and gets dropped on coin.
Player no longer requires to interact extract panel to extract.
Player needs to press certain key to extract. (Default: X)
Player cannot cancel extraction. However, if player is down during extraction, the extraction will be canceled.
While extracting, player cannot shoot a gun.
Player no longer can heal in game field.
Reworked round end UI.
Gamemode will be removed, and server host can change game settings config to create their own gamemode.
Game time will be daytime and night-time only.
Reworked variables of server config, and separated variables to gamerule config.
Adjusted visual swaying and recoil while aiming down sight.
Changed model of PSO-1 scope.