Dev blog 3

Weapon of the Round

Using same weapon over and over is not fun, unless player really loves the weapon. Personally, I love using same weapon that I love to use, no matter the weapon is in the current meta. I love using VSS and DP-28 in PUBG, and VPO-136, and SAG AK-545 in Escape from Tarkov. However, even if I love those weapons, it gets boring sometimes and I try different weapons.

I want players to use various weapons in Bounters as well, and I believe 'Weapon of the Round (a.k.a. WOTR)' system, inspired by Bonus Weapon in CSGO Deathmatch, will do the job. Of course, balance of each weapon is important as well.

Every time player deploys, the player gets certain WOTR. If player takes down other players with the weapon, player gets bonus reward. Server host can set amount of bonus reward on game rule config. Keep in mind, that it's important to extract before someone takes you down so you don't lose takedown reward, WOTR bonus, and loots.

Before implementing WOTR system, there was a task system, which is player getting bonus rewards by completing given tasks at each deploys. However, I wanted to make it simpler, but still keeping the idea that player can try out each weapons, therefore I chose WOTR, instead of task system.

Bounty Coin is back

Bounty coin is back in Bounters. It was added on first build, but I decided to remove it to make Bounters more casual and easier. However, I found that there is not enough thrill on the game, and I chose to add Bounty coin back to Bounters.

Bounty coin will be dropped with the loots and rewards that the player got before taken down. It will be gone after each round ends. Player needs to go close to the coin and interact to get those loobies. Again, of course, player needs to extract with it.

I believe Bounty coin will make interesting scenarios or tactics, such as camping near the coin to bait other players, steal the coin and leave the area quick, or be more careful because combat was happened there and there might be someone nearby.

Reworked Server configurations

I have reworked variables in server config, and separated some of them and stored them on game rule config file.

Server host can have multiple game rule config file and use it by typing the file name on server config. Server host can be creative and play around with the variables on game rule config to make their own gamemodes.

Before this implementation, players can have prebuilt gamemodes, and the core rules of the gamemode cannot be changed, which is not what I want. Therefore, I removed prebuilt ones, and server host can tweak the configs to make their own gamemodes.

For example, we can make Deathmatch by removing loots from lootboxes, remove coin drops, let players keep their loots after taken down (this is because takedown rewards are still considered as loots), and keep respawning in same round.


That's all for the third dev blog.

Bounters is currently available at Steam as Demo. Demo will be available until Early Access.
After early access, I am planning to delete the multiplayer feature on the demo, and people who want to try out Bounters will play the game with bots. Until early access, multiplayer feature will be available.

If you haven't check already, check out Bounters on Steam, try out Demo, and add Bounters on your Steam wishlist.
If you want to share feedbacks of Bounters, join Discord.

Thanks for reading, and have a great time.