Dev blog 4



It's been a while I am writing the Bounters development blog. It took a while to find how to fix jittery, and sometimes, rubber-banding movement Bounters, and now it feels much better than before. It still needs testing to see if there is any bugs or improvements.

While fixing it, I have also reworked UIs, and added weapons.


I implemented 'Input Buffer' system to Bounters server, so that the each clients send their inputs (such as WASD, mouse click, reload, etc.) and server receives and saves the inputs on buffer temporary. The server will also execute the input from the buffer on each tick, so almost every inputs received from the clients will be executed.

Also, by implementing the input buffer, I merged every inputs into 1 message (packet). Bounters used to send each inputs (such as movement inputs, shoot input, reload input, etc) separately, and now all the inputs are merged into one big array, and sent into 1 message, so it's more efficient compared to multiple messages. After implementing these, the movement feels much better.

Not only input message, but I also merged players and bots states (their position, looking direction, health, loots, loobie, etc.) into 1 message. Before merging, it used to have 1 message per each players and bots. On the client, it has state buffer system, just like the input buffer, so it will be executed in each ticks.

Of course, I will try to optimize more if needed.

Reworked UI

This is the reworked loadout selection UI. (Top: In-Game, Bottom: Shooting Range) It became easier and faster to choose primary & sidearm weapons, helmets and armors compared to before. Also, it has Rebuy system, which is re-selecting the loadout used on last deploy.

I might remove selecting helmets and armors in future. Instead, the main menu will have 'Appearance' section so players can customize their appearance in that section. Players will be able to choose clothing, helmet, and armor. Since helmets and armors are purely cosmetics, I think it's better to move into separate customizing section so players can customize and select their loadout easier.

I also reworked crossahir and hitmarker customization UI. Player can choose shape, change color with RGB sliders, change size with slider, and player can see the previews. The default shapes of crosshair are cross and dot, and default shapes of hitmarker are circular and X-cross. Player can add their custom shapes (for example, star, heart, diamond, etc.) by adding .png file of the shape into game folder. You can find how to add the shape in this guide.

The previews are identical to actual in-game. The size, and color will be exactly same.

I added graphics setting UI. The state of the UI is very basic, but it does the job. I will add the feature to make players can choose the detailed settings of graphics later.

New Weapon, RK-2 and FAP-9

I added a new rifle, RK-2, and new handgun, FAP-9.

First, RK-2 is a semi-auto and full-auto assault rifle that uses AR-15 magazines. To be honest, M4A1 is more common and iconic rifle that uses AR-15 magazine, but I wanted to have kind of unique rifle, so I chose to add RK-2 first. Of course, I will add M4A1 later. It will be bit easier to add since the magazines for M4A1 is already added.

Second, FAP-9 is semi-auto and full-auto handgun that uses Glock magazines. Player can spray-and-pray with FAP-9 with 50 rounder drum magazine. 


That's all for the fourth dev blog. There isn't much to show in this dev blog because it was focused on optimizations. It still needs testing to see if there is anything more to improve. However, it is definitely improved compared to before.

Bounters is currently available at Steam as Demo. Demo will be available until Early Access.
After early access, I am planning to delete the multiplayer feature on the demo, and people who want to try out Bounters will play the game with bots. Until early access, multiplayer feature will be available.

If you haven't check already, check out Bounters on Steam, try out Demo, and add Bounters on your Steam wishlist.
If you want to share feedbacks of Bounters, join Discord.

Thanks for reading, and have a great time.