server hosting
To host a server in Bounters, you need to download the server file, port forward, and run a dedicated server.
Download the server file, and extract it.
Port Forward
Forward the TCP/UDP port that is written on ServerConfig file. Default is 28475.
If this port is not forwarded, then players cannot join the server.Forward the TCP/UDP 7777 port.
If this port is not forwarded, then the server won't show up on server browser.
Now, go to the server folder, and run BountersServer.exe
Server config
In ServerFiles folder, find and edit "ServerConfig.json" file. If there is no file, run the server once, and the server will create new file with default configs.
The server name that is displayed on Bounters server browser.
maximum amount of players that can join the server.
Amount of bots in the server.
[Note: Bots does not affect maximum amount of players. For example, if maxPlayers is 10, and botPlayers is 10, still 10 players can join the server.]
Server port. Note that if port is changed, server host must forward to new port. Default port is 28475.
Field that is used for the server. Name should match with the name of the field's folder in ServerFiles/Maps.
Currently, 2 fields are available;"apartment", and "outdoor field"
If you want to host a server with your own custom field, other players must have the field file as well.
gamerule json file name. Host can create multiple gamerule files with custom file name.
If there is no file, server will create new one with default rules.Example: "My Gamerule" (This file is on ServerFiles folder.)
Example: "Game Rules/Deathmatch" (This file is on Game Rules folder inside of ServerFiles folder.)
Time of the field. Can be set between 1 and 24.
Game Rule
In ServerFiles folder, find and edit "My GameRule.json" file. If there is no file, run the server once, and the server will create new file with default rules.
In it, modify these lines:
player will get this amount of grenades on each spawn.
player will get this amount of loobies per takedowns. This reward will be automatically transferred to score.
Minimum amount of money on lootboxes from the field
Maximum amount of money on lootboxes from the field
Time of each rounds in seconds. (ex. if roundTime is 600, each round takes 600 seconds, which is 10 minutes)
percentage of loots will be dropped, and remaining will be score. (0-100)
If set to 0, player will not lose any loobies from game field, and will be transferred to score.
If set to 100, player will all loobies looted from game field.
If set to true, player will drop a loobie coin after taken down.
If set to false, player will not drop a loobie coin after taken down.
If set to true, the coin with 0 loobie will not spawn.
If set to false, the coin with 0 loobie will spawn.
Coin will despawn after this time.
If set to 0, it will not despawn.
There are commands to use it on server console.
help: Shows all available commands.
players: Shows all connected players with their ID.
kick [playerID]: Kicks a player. playerID is provided on 'players' command.
ban [playerID]: Bans a player. playerID is provided on 'players' command. It bans both IP and Steam ID.
bannedList: Shows a list of banned players.
unbanIP [bannedID]: Unbans IP. bannedID is provided on 'bannedList' command.
unbanSteamID [bannedID]: Unbans Steam ID. bannedID is provided on 'bannedList' command.
say [message]: Sends a message to all players.
stop: Stops a server.